Fresh mushroom samples, a microscope with a mounted camera, an analogue video mixer and two monitors.

Laura Fong Prosper’s ‘Lamellae, Pores and Teeth’ is an interplay between scientific observation, technological synthesis and sentient beings. The CCTV installation was developed in a playful act with her son and creates itself during the interaction with the audience.

Inspired by the elusive shapes, forms and forces of fungi, the group exhibition Elusive Grounds itself is a living organism,a sensing installation, which you are able to enter. There are sculptures growing from fungi mycelium, sonic fermentation processes and a complex relation-network of species. The hybrid exhibition format is a result of an intensive research phase, where artists Laura Fong Prosper, Silvia Noronha, Niko De Paula Lefort and Tin Wilke collaborated with the mycologist Martin Schlecht, in order to craft knowledge that mediates multiple sensual experiences and information around the communities of more-than-human entities.

Elusive Grounds is hosted by “Raum für Drastische Maßnahmen” in Berlin Friedrichshain. The gallery is holding space for this unique temporary learning and sensing platform. During the exhibition period mycological workshops, experiments and educational trails actively challenge the ostensible binaries of art and science. Elusive Grounds is more than an exhibition, it is a possibility to transgress our human-centred view and become part of a pluriverse where symbiotic chaos is drawing us in and spitting us out again.

Text by: hooops, Elisa Pieper & Astarte Posch



Installation views: Elusive Grounds 2022